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4 Dec 2019

Should you ask questions at an interview?


You should always have a list of questions prepared before the interview.  Most employers expect interviewees to ask questions – it demonstrates interest in the job you have applied for and it demonstrates you have undertaken preparation before your interview.

It is perfectly acceptable to ask if you can consult the list of questions you have prepared!

Asking questions at an interview is two-fold- firstly it provides you with more information about the position and secondly it gives you an opportunity to add more relevant information about what you can do for the employer.

Good Questions to ask!

Why is this position available? – it would be helpful to know if the previous holder of the post has left due to stress of if there are potential difficulties it is worth knowing about.

What sort of person/skills are you looking for? – this is a good question to ask near the beginning of the interview if the opportunity arises. This then allows you the opportunity to use the remainder of the interview to tell the interviewer that you have the skills and experience they are looking for.

What are the responsibilities of the job? – you will need to know how much responsibility will fall on your shoulders.  Make the interviewer aware that you are used to such responsibility, welcome it and can handle it.

Do you provide further on-the job training? – this would be a good question to ask if you are interested in career development.

How can my career develop from this position? – If you are interested in further progression then it would be wise to ask this question.

What problems will the successful candidate have to deal with? – You need to know what problems exist and convince your interviewer of your ability to cope.

Why hasn’t this position been filled internally? – This question would apply in a larger organisation so if they are looking for someone with specialist skills then this is your chance to assure them that you have what they want.

Do you think I have the skills you are looking for? – This is a good question to ask towards the end of the interview but in time to allow you to add more information if they express any additional requirements.

Do you feel you know enough about my skills and experience? – another question that you can ask towards the end of the interview to allow them to mention anything else not already mentioned and for you to address any additional requirements.

Note: At the end of the interview always establish what will happen next. How long will it be before they contact you? Will this be in writing, by phone or email?

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