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29 Jan 2020

Making presentations – how to take the fear out of them!


Depending on the vacancy you are applying for you may be asked to make a presentation as part of the selection process.

Here are some points to consider:

Topic – you may be given a topic relevant to the job you have applied for. If you have to choose your own topic, select something relevant to the job you are applying for which includes a key message.

Content and Structure – make a note of all the points you want to cover. Using tools like mind maps to collate the points is a very visual and useful method. Identify 3 or 4 key areas and list bullet points under each area. Take out anything that is not absolutely necessary.

Notes – Clear and minimal – use colour to make key words stand out.

Opening and Summary – Prepare an Introduction to include what you presentation is about; prepare a conclusion to summarise what you have said and state what action should result.

Dealing with questions – plan when you would like questions. Building in an opportunity at the end would be preferable otherwise questions during your presentation could cause you to over-run or not convey all your key messages. Try to anticipate in advance the questions that you may be asked.

Visual Aids – if using PowerPoint the slides should illustrate or summarise what you are saying. Do not stand and read from them.

Style – Use simple direct language; speak slowly and clearly; use eye contact; use natural hand movements; avoid nervous habits.

Practice – run through your presentation several times to check the timing and so that you are more confident about what you will be saying so you won’t need to rely too much on your notes. Try to find someone that you can practice in front of who will give you constructive criticism.




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