07875 320793

13 Jul 2016

How to cope with redundancy and job loss and have lots to smile about!


Experiencing job loss or redundancy can lead to various feelings which can understandably have a negative impact on our self-confidence, general outlook and morale.

The first step is to understand that whenever we experience a change in our lives (this can be as a result of bereavement, divorce, job loss) there is a cycle of feelings that we all go through (Change Curve :Elizabeth Kubler-Ross)  – this can last for days, weeks or months depending on what it is and our own ability to deal with change.

Change CurveIt is important that you understand this cycle of feelings so that you and those closest to you understand what you are going through.  If you have recently been made redundant, about to be made redundant or recently lost your job, you need to face head on how you are feeling about your current situation. One way you can do this is by talking to those closest to you where you can rant and rave in private and get any feelings of negativity or resentfulness off your chest.

For some this is difficult as they find it difficult to discuss their inner feelings, fears and concerns with even those closest to them. However, it is crucial that you do this because even if you don’t express in words at an interview, when asked about your previous employment/employer, how you really feel, your body language and self-confidence will be ‘telling’ your interviewer that you are still carrying baggage regarding your previous position/employer and you will not show yourself in your best light.

NB: Never underestimate your own body language – ensure it is mirroring you in a positive light. You need to make a good first impression and if you still have hang ups and negative feelings about what has gone before this will be evident in how you perform at that first meeting.

So the key message here is that if you have any feelings of negativity about your previous employment/employer – get them off your chest before you start your job search in earnest.  Talk to someone close, rant and rave, explain and discuss your concerns and fears ….and start to plan what you can do to get back in the driving seat. Once you are in control of your job search you will feel so much more positive…you just have to take that first step!


If you feel you could benefit from discussing this topic further or prefer to chat to someone anonymously then do give me a call on 07875 320793. I would be only to happy to have a chat with you.



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