07875 320793

11 Mar 2020

Values!! I know my top 5 – do you know yours?


In my last blog I addressed the topic of why you go to work. I encouraged you to evaluate what the motivating and demotivating factors are that either make you enjoy your work or alternatively make you feel very dissatisfied and unhappy at work?
This week I want to address your ‘Values’!

Values are what matter most to us but often we don’t stop to think what they are. Perhaps today as you read this would be a good time to think about what really matters to you – what are your real values?

A good way to address this is to think about what matters most using the following sub headings:
• What matters in your working life?
• What matters in your family life?
• What matters in your social life?
• What matters in your personal life?

Let’s look at this in a bit more detail:
What matters in your working life? (e.g. satisfying job? High salary? Good colleagues to work with? Career prospects? Minimal supervision? Pleasant environment?)

What matters most in your family life? (e.g. time with partner/children? Loving relationships? Long holidays? Recreation time together? Regular lifestyle? Time for DIY?)

What matters most in your social life?(e.g. Time to spend with friends? Being able to undertake community work? Time for politics? Time for sport/hobbies? Time to spend in your garden?)

What matters in your personal life? (e.g. Integrity? Being free of worry? Having private space? Justice? Truthfulness?)
The next step is to write down the five things that matter most to you from these groups. Once you have completed your list you should then have clarity in terms of what ‘values’ you hope will be integral to your next job. It is important you consider these alongside your ‘needs’ and ‘motivating’ factors that you identified from reading my blog last week!

If you would like to have a chat about identifying your values then give me a call on 07875 320793 – I would be only too happy to help!

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