07875 320793

26 Feb 2020

Should I stay or should I go? (Do you hate going to work everyday?)


Before taking any drastic steps you might want to consider the following:

•Ask yourself if you have always felt like this about your current employment? Has something changed recently to make you want to now leave? Is it a person or the people you work with that make you unhappy? Is it the tasks you are responsible for? Analysing what is making you feel so dissatisfied is the first step as it may be you can overcome this without having to change your employment.
•If you are not happy with the tasks you are responsible for or level of responsibility that you have then talk to your manager. It may be that through discussion you can together find a solution.
•It may be that you have experienced a difficult situation at work, possibly a conflict with a colleague? If this is what is making you unhappy then try to put it behind you by focusing on the aspects of your job that you enjoy.

Once you are clear what is causing you to feel so miserable at work you can decide if it is possible to make positive changes in your current role.
Alternatively, if you decide that a change of job is definitely what is needed then make sure you do the following:

•Stay in your current role (if you can) until you have secured another position.
•Make a list of what you like and dislike about your current role and what aspects you would like to be included in your next role.
•Determine where you want to be in the next five years and what type of role would enable you to achieve this.
•Keep working hard in your present role until you leave and be careful what you say to colleagues about your reasons for wanting to change jobs (it’s amazing how people’s paths can cross again in later years).
•Research other companies and job adverts carefully – the grass on the other side of the fence isn’t always greener!

If you are currently facing the issue of whether to change jobs and not sure what to do I would be happy to discuss with you – just give me a call on 07875 320793.

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