07875 320793

19 Feb 2020

Who would like to know what an employer is looking for (in you) at an interview?


When you attend an interview you may find that the person interviewing you isn’t looking at you very much and is writing most of the time (be aware that the interviewer may also be nervous…..not all employers interview on a regular basis and they may feel outside their own comfort zone).
However, these days most employers complete some form of Interview Checklist that will enable them to make a fair decision about who they select.
Employers tend to look for different criteria but always remember that first impressions DO count!
Below is a list of criteria that you may be being judged on at an interview:
• Appearance
• Poise – Movement and Posture
• Personality – your attitude
• Friendliness – your attitude
• Ability to converse – your speech/ability to express yourself
• Alertness – ability to grasp ideas
• Knowledge of work field
• Qualifications
• Skill
• Experience
• Drive and Initiative

If you would like to have a chat about your own interview experience and discuss ways in which you can improve your chances of success then do give me a call on 07875 320793 –I may be able to help you improve your interview technique!

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