07875 320793

25 Dec 2019

Who would like to know how to target the unadvertised job market to scoop the job of your dreams?


Most people know how to apply to advertised vacancies …but what about the unadvertised job market? There are hundreds of companies UK wide who may not be currently advertising vacancies but who may be in the position of having to advertise quite soon, perhaps because they know they have a member of their team leaving, or they know they are going to expand the Business in the very near future.

The advantage of targeting the unadvertised job market is that you fill their gap for them before they have to go to the lengths of organising an expensive recruitment campaign.

Targeting companies in this way is often referred to as the ‘speculative approach’ and involves you making an unsolicited approach to see if the Company might have a vacancy or job opportunity that you can fill.

Once you have established your skills, experience and knowledge base ask yourself which type of Companies would naturally employ someone with those skills.  Think of Companies where there is a natural fit between what they do and your skills, knowledge and experience.

Make a list of Companies that you could possibly target and then undertake some research about the ones you have listed, use the internet, your library and talk to people who may work at these companies or know someone else that works there. As you undertake your research you may discard some as being unsuitable. Look for news items that may relate to those on your list, e.g. have they plans to expand, open a new site, recently won a new order?

Now create a list of companies that are worth considering…make a note of:

Person to approach


Tel No and Address

Date you first contacted them


Date to follow up


There are two main ways in which you can contact the companies you have identified:

Phoning the named contact directly

Sending a Speculative Letter


In my next two Blogs I will be demonstrating how you can contact the Companies on your list using both of these methods.


In the meantime start constructing your list and if you need to discuss at all you can contact me on 07875 320793……..I will be only too happy to have a chat with you…..


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